Tuesday, February 20

Big cars

Just a little post to point out that in Muscat the density of 4x4 is impressive. For example, I've never seen so many Hummer in a city, event in L.A. ! compact cars, as we mainly have in France, simply do not exist here, except onetime I've seen a Peugeot 206...


  1. Omanis do not believe in compact cars! :-D .... :-p

  2. Yes, perhaps you will be able to drive a hummer one day ;-)

    Oman seems to be a great place to go...

  3. Yes, perhaps you will be able to drive a hummer one day ;-)

    Oman seems to be a great place to go...

  4. Comparing Oman to the other countries in the area, you won't see that big number of 4 X 4 vehicles.

    They mostly will drive sedans or coupes/sports.

    By the way, the most who drive Hummers they don't go off road, its like a show off SUV :p

  5. Plese let me know, are any taxes to keep a car on the road i mean road tax, inshurence, MOT? .. or just by a car and nothing to do just fill it with petrol and drive :)


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